Poems about Abuse by Anna Szabo who experienced narcissistic abuse and domestic violence

Have you been looking for poems about abuse? If you’re going through a difficult life season where you’re experiencing Narcissistic Abuse, Domestic Violence, emotional abuse, physical violence, or mental cruelty, you probably want to know if others survived something like that. I have.

Michel Szabo and Anna Szabo Engagement - What Is Love


I was raised by a Narcissistic Mother who abused me violently and even encouraged me to commit suicide, which I attempted twice.

RELATED: My Narcissistic Mother Story

I came to America in 2008 to get married to an amazing Princ Charming, and that man enslaved me for eight months and beat the life out of me.

RELATED: My Domestic Violence Story

I was lured into a marriage in 2016 by an amazing Christian man who claimed to be a seminary graduate and love Jesus. After our wedding night, h abandoned me and said he didn’t want to be married anymore but wanted to be an IronMan instead. He manipulated me into suicidal depression: I almost gave up on life due to Narcissistic Relationship Abuse.

RELATED: My Narcissistic Abuse Story

From my personal experience with abuse, I wrote many poems about abuse. These experiences are not something I read about or watched on TV. By the way, I don’t have TV at home. The experiences you hear about in my poetry are all my own personal life story.

I know what it’s like to be abused emotionally, physically, sexually, mentally, spiritually, financially, and identity-wise.

One of these days, I’ll do an entire article about identity abuse but for now, let me share with you my story of poems about emotional abuse, physical abuse, and many other types of abuse I endured.

My 16 Poems About Abuse

  1. Empowering Women
  2. Loving The Narcissist
  3. The Narcissist’s Ego Is Fragile
  4. The Narcissist Is Jealous
  5. The Narcissist Is a Chief Deceiver and Liar
  6. The Narcissist Manipulates You Intentionally
  7. The Narcissist Is Confused About His Identity
  8. The Narcissist Is Eager for Approval
  9. The Narcissist Gaslights You
  10. The Narcissist Projects His Faults On You
  11. The Narcissist’s Silent Treatment
  12. The Narcissist’s Reptilian Stare
  13. The Antidote To Narcissistic Abuse
  14. Narcissistic Mother
  15. Domestic Violence
  16. Narcissistic Mother Hates Her Daughter
Michel Szabo and Anna Szabo Wedding Atlanta 2016


The Narcissist Poem

The first thing I want to talk about is the narcissist poem called Loving The Narcissist. It’s a man who pretends ver well. He has thought through his abuse and planned every move. He is Satan who comes at you looking saint. He works overtime to make a good impression with people his food is praise and admiration. He has absolutely no substance and is scared to be found out. So, he needs you to puff up his ego, which you do until you unmast the narcissist. Once you discover his real intentions, he begins discarding you and manipulating you into suicide. No one believes you because the narcissist plays the Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde game very well.

RELATED: How The Narc Plays Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde

My trauma counselor told me straight: “The narcissist wants you dead!” Guess what I did? Quit counseling. Why? Because of the Narcissistic Abuse Victim Syndrome, which caused me to be pulled by the narc into multiple realities and believe that what I was experiencing was not his intention.

Cruelty is the narcissist’s intention. To manipulate you into depression and suicide is what the narc is trying so hard to accomplish.

I wrote loving a narcissist man poem because I am a woman, the narc was a man, and this is a ministry for women. Several times I was asked if I claim that all narcissists are men. No, I don’t. But I am writing poetry about my own personal life experiences as a woman with a man.

Read my loving a narcissist man poem.

That one poem opened a can of worms, and all my experiences with my narcissist husband came out in the form of poems about abuse – all in a matter of just a few days. I’m sharing all of my Poems About Abusive Relationships in chronological order as they were born into this world.

Where were they born? In my kitchen.

I was trying to cook but noticed that I was going into labor instead.

Yes, poems about abuse felt like giving painful birth. I was exhausted and overwhelmed but seeing now how many people have been helped by my honest Poems About Emotional Abuse, I thank God for the experience.

My hope is that you’ll feel not so alone after reading my poems about abuse. I hope that you’ll see the light at the end of the tunnel, you will know that there’s hope, and that you’ll be encouraged and empowered to persevere.

Speaking of empowerment, the first of my poems about abuse was called Empowering Women. It was October 14th, 2017. I was asked by the Women’s Resource Center To End Domestic Violence (WRCDV) to volunteer by representing the organization at a Domestic Violence awareness event, which I did. While there, right across from the vendor table where I talked to people about WRCDV was the vendor table for the International Women’s House (IWH), which is a shelter for battered women where I lived in 2009.

RELATED: My Domestic Violence and Homelessness Story

I experienced so many feelings while at that event. At the time, I was in litigation with the guy who pretended to be a good Christian, the one who filed for two divorces in our first year of marriage. So, I just had my life flash before me from 2009 to 2017, and the poem called Empowering Women was born. I did a podcast about this topic sharing my experience of being a speaker at an empowerment conference for women earlier that year,m in February. I wrote an article about that called Empowering Women: How To Get Empowered In Six Steps, which actually has my whole conference speech listed there. So, here’s my first poem about abuse.

Poems About Abusive Relationships

Poems about abusive relationships help us see that we are not alone in our isolated worlds. Actually, when we do go through abuse in relationships, our abusers persuade us that we are alone and lonely, they want us to feel hopeless. Don’t buy into that crap. You’re not lonely. Just comment below in the comments and see how quickly I will respond (and not just I but other people in my community, too).

RELATED: Spiritual Warfare

There is hope. You will survive. You can thrive.

I understand what you’re going through.

You are not alone.

Empowering Women

"Empowering Women" #PoemsFromGod

Empowerment is a concept of persevering,
No matter what life offers to you at times.
It's a decision to refuse fearing
Narcissistsabusers, and executors of other crimes.

Empowerment is the antidote to violence.
It's a way of saying: "No more from now on!"
It's the path to get you beyond survivance 
To where you can thrive and finally move on.

I myself need empowerment daily. 
And I support other women to share empowerment.
Sometimes, from abuse we can even think barely...
And no one can help us, not even the government.

Police, courts, judges, jurors, and attorneys
Get deceived by our abusers often times.

When there's no help on our survival journeys,
Empowerment is the only way to confront crimes.

Get empowered from knowing who you are in Christ!
He loves and accepts youHe made you a masterpiece.
To liberate you, His life was sacrificed.
He set you free so you can be from abuse released. 

Raise up! Speak up! Stand up for yourself!
Get empowered and empower others!
You are worthy of the love of Jesus Himself!
So, take no more of this abuse nonsense!

10/14/17 © Anna Szabo, JD, MBA

Loving The Narcissist

"Loving The Narcissist" #PoemsFromGod

Loving the Narcissist is like taking poison and dying slowly.
He is miserable, and he can't stand that you are not.
He hates you for your joy and wants to make you feel so lonely
That you forget anything good or positive you ever thought.

The Narcissist has a very fragile ego.
He is full of insecurities, self-hatred, and shame.
For him, to manipulate you into darkness is very intriguing,
And to make you feel confused and doubtful is his primary aim.

"The Narcissist wants you dead" - my trauma counselor told me.
I didn't believe her at first but later saw that is was true.
With his narcissistic gaslighting and projection, the Narcissist sold me
On the idea that of his own abuse he genuinely had no clue.

The Narcissist won't leave you alone, ever.
You are his Narcissistic Supply needed to survive.
He is fueled my the idea of making you suffer forever.
He is pleased knowing that, abused by himyou can't thrive.

You can't help the Narcissist by loving him,
Because he doesn't just feel by you unloved -
From his childhood, he feels fundamentally unlovable.
That's not anything you can get for him resolved.

To be targeted and attacked by the evil Narcissist,
All you need to do is to breathe and be.
For him to hate you, it's enough that you simply exist
But if you're happy and joyful, he won't ever set you free.

He will continue to devastate you relentlessly.
He wants you to be drained and miserable like him.
To ensure that you feel hopeless, he will work restlessly,
Until he witnesses with pleasure that being depressed you begin.

Loving the Narcissist leads you not just to deadend -
It takes you quickly to the real hell on earth.
And as long as to genuinely care you tend,
The Narcissist will hate you vigorously and intensely for all he's worth. 

10/16/17 © Anna Szabo, JD, MBA

p.s: What Is the Impact of Narcissistic Abuse?

The Narcissist’s Ego Is Fragile

"The Narcissist's Ego Is Fragile" #PoemsFromGod
The Narcissist's ego is fragile like a bomb,
Because his identity is rooted in nothing solid.
He will be charming, cherishing, and very calm,
As long as toward him you are admiring and torrid.
But if you say to him anything other than praise,
He will explode toward you with long-lasting anger and hatred.
He will meticulously manipulate you into complete haze
Where from your sanity and dignity you become separated.
The Narcissist has no concern for you at all,
Except he needs you to feed his ego with admiration.
So, when you refuse to be his Narcissistic Supply anymore,
The Narcissist will instantly want you dead with no hesitation. 

10/16/17 © Anna Szabo, JD, MBA

p.s: Why Is the Narcissist the Way He Is?

The Narcissist Is Jealous

"The Narcissist Is Jealous"#PoemsFromGod

The Narcissist is jealous of your accomplishments.
He targeted you for your beauty and smarts -
Because for having you he loves getting compliments;
But that is also where his hatred toward you starts.

The Narcissist lives in the world of scarcity.
Your success to him means that he doesn't measure up.
He hates on you with laser-focused clarity,
Aiming to completely empty your emotional cup.

He drains your energy and hope out of you
By gaslighting you to make you feel crazy.
He also meticulously projects his every fault on you,
So that it looks like your mind is confused and hazy.

To intentionally devalue you and to make you feel worthless,
The Narcissist exercises another clever technique.
It's called Narcissistic Silent Abuse and it's a very painful nonsense,
Because he completely ignores you and for months with you doesn't speak.

He doesn't acknowledge your existence or presence,
He makes sure you feel useless and worthless,
Unless he needs money from you or presents,
Then, he will be nice until his next nonsense.

In the Narcissist's make-believe universe,
He is the All-Mighty All-Powered Superior.
Even if for months his erratic behavior toward you is adverse,
He easily continues to maintain with others a pleasant exterior.

But you are his survival-essential Narcissist Supply,
So prepare to be attacked with long-lasting mental cruelty.
Get ready, because the Narcissist wants you to die
And he won't tolerate your success continuity.

In his own head, the Narcissist constantly competes with you.
For him to feel better about himself, you must fail.
So, with his well-thought cruel techniques, he confuses you.
And you get so depressed that you can no longer avail

10/17/17 © Anna Szabo, JD, MBA

p.s: Narcissistic Abuse Explained

The Narcissist Is a Chief Deceiver and Liar

"The Narcissist Is a Chief Deceiver and Liar" #PoemsFromGod

The Narcissist's primary agenda in life
Is to sneakingly get away with something.
He can even set out to get himself a whole new wife,
If in an ego boost for him resolves that hunting.

He can also get himself a new last name,
Searching for a new victim and running away from past shame.
He will lie to you about who he is and honesty claim.
Overall, he will do anything to get you involved in his make-believe love game. 

The Narcissist is a Chief Deceiver and Liar.
To lure you into his premeditated deception, he will go to a great length.
Narc needs desperately for someone him to admire.
Without praise, admiration, and compliments, he has no strength.

It's because the Narcissist has a very fragile ego.
No one and nothing is important to him but praise.
When the Narcissist is pursuing you, it can be very intriguing,
But only until he quickly ends that short-term happy phase.

After the Narcissist had successfully lured you,
He resorts to just being himself and eating you alive. 
His mistakes and faults start being projected by him on you.
And at that point, he wants nothing less than your very life.  

10/17/17 © Anna Szabo, JD, MBA

The Narcissist Manipulates You Intentionally

"The Narcissist Manipulates You Intentionally" #PoemsFromGod

Verbal trickery is the Narcissist's preferred method of manipulation.
He has a talent for saying the right thing to confuse and degrade you.
The Narcissist wants of your mind complete and total domination,
And in your worthlessness and uselessness his goal is to persuade you.

The unrelenting mind games of the Narcissist are incredibly damaging.
You are left traumatized with emotional pain that has no end
You become mentally crippled with inability to be managing
Even of your own mind and sanity command.

In the midst of it, you are not understanding what is happening.
You feel crazy, confused, and paralyzed by self-doubt all the time.
You don't know how to escape from the manipulation that's so saddening
That all you do daily is just try to out of depression climb.

The "you have misunderstood what I was saying" and "stop assuming" are his favorite phrases.
He has no explanation for anything, except these two.
He made you believe he had heart and soul in the relationship's earlier phases,
So now about the cause of his emptiness you're puzzled and seek a breakthrough.

Don't. The answer is there's nothing there, just emptiness.
Everything else you saw before was a clever pretense to deceive you. 
Don't feel for the Narcissist compassion or pittiness,
Because he will gladly use those feelings to further manipulate and mislead you. 

10/18/17 © Anna Szabo, JD, MBA

p.s: The Narcissist Lacks Conscience

The Narcissist Is Confused About His Identity

"The Narcissist Is Confused About His Identity" #PoemsFromGod

The Narcissist grew up unable to bond with his primary caregiver.
He possibly had even multiple caregivers he was passed to.
As a child, he was of confusing messages about himself receiver,
So today to survive, his ego to constantly puff up he has to. 

He hates his story and pretends to be someone different.
He goes to a great length to coverup his true identity.
To the impact of his deception he is absolutely indifferent,
Because even he himself doesn't have of who he is any clarity. 

As an example, let's just say he was born a Latino or Hispanic,
But in his documents he intentionally and consistently checks "I'm not
Hispanic or Latino - I am white
It's because he carries so much embarrassment and shame that he has a panic,
Even thinking that anyone his true self find out might. 

Another example, let's say, he changes his last name
And creates out of the blue brand-new Facebook profiles.
It's because to his community he tries to no longer pertain,
Since they know about his shame from his previous trials.

The shame-filled and confused Narcissist needs you desperately.
As his Narcissistic Supply, you provide validation and admiration.
From praise his fragile, flimsy ego can't survive separately.
So, the Narcissist with cruelty manipulates you into his insanity with no hesitation. 

10/19/17 © Anna Szabo, JD, MBA

The Narcissist Is Eager for Approval

"The Narcissist Is Eager for Approval" #PoemsFromGod

Why can so many people hardly believe 
The cruel treatment you've endured from the Narcissist?
Because exceptional deception he is able to achieve
And, in light of his charm, his cruel intentions are by people either unnoticed or just dismissed. 

The Narcissist is very skilled at pretending to be a People Pleaser.
His plan to persuade everyone in it is very clever.
He works overtime to conquer people's minds and opinions like Caesar.
Of being real, the Narcissist thinks never.

Being liked by people is how the Narcissist gets praise.
Praise is his food vital for survival.
The Narcissist must obsessively others' approval constantly chase.
Otherwise, of his Narcissistic Supply he will experience deprival.

10/19/17 © Anna Szabo, JD, MBA

p.s: The Narcissist Is The Devil but He Appears as an Angel

The Narcissist Gaslights You

"The Narcissist Gaslights You" #PoemsFromGod

Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse 
Used by the Narcissist in order to instill in you as his victim
An extreme sense of anxiety so you become completely confused,
To the point where you no longer trust your discerning mental system.

The emotional damage of Gaslighting is huge on the Narcissist's victim.
Gaslighting is truly the most powerful covert method of Narcissistic Control.
You are mentally manipulated to never be able to predict him,
And to make you feel crazy and brain-scattered is his primary goal. 

The Narcissist's agenda is to first kill your confidence.
He needs your energy and glow but also feels that he himself doesn't measure up.
That's why he meticulously sets out to make you doubt your own mental competence,
So that with self-doubt, sadness, and insecurity is filled your emotional cup.

He's very clever at making you doubt the reality of your own perception.
He's very intentional at persuading you to question the evidence of your own senses.
The facts are always twisted is the Narcissist's very believable deception
To make it seem as if he were a victim so that you pay his expenses.

The Narcissist constantly hides whatever makes him feel ashamed, 
But if he can't hide, he will just skillfully lie.
He is terrified if his actions create negative consequences to establish the truth aimed.
He will work over time to persuade anyone that you are crazy and he is just a good guy

10/20/17 © Anna Szabo, JD, MBA

p.s: Narcissistic Manipulation Techniques

The Narcissist Projects His Faults On You

"The Narcissist Projects His Faults On You" #PoemsFromGod

Projection is Narcissist's favorite trick.
It's his fine art of making you feel guilty forhisvices.
He exhausts you with his manipulation and makes you mentally weak.
Then, he starts Silent Treatment on you and to make sense of his cruelty you're left to your own devices.

You have been harmed by the evil Narcissist
Who once upon a time portrayed himself as a genuine person.
But nothing genuine or vulnerable in him even exists.
The more you believe the Narcissist, the more his mental cruelty will worsen.

The Narcissist doesn't see you for who you are.
In fact, he doesn't see you at all.
His relationship with you is so bizarre 
Because your only value is to praise and admiration supply to his ego-filled soul.

So, how is he so successful at projecting his faults on you?
Well, remember that relationship phase when he was cherishing and sweet?
That's when the Narcissist persuaded you
That he is wise and trustworthy and that his companionship you really need.

Later on, the Narcissist rendered you as his victim to emotional terror,
Which you had to deny for a while to simply survive.
This mental coping mechanism has been practiced by war prisoners forever.
It's when you stop trusting your own perception of reality to be able to stay alive. 

So, the Narcissist projects his faults on you easily,
Because you don't have any confidence from abuse and doubt your every thought.
With time, as the scope of his mental cruelty is increasing,
To project more and to gaslight you more the Narcissist ought. 

10/20/17 © Anna Szabo, JD, MBA

The Narcissist’s Silent Treatment

"The Narcissist’s Silent Treatment" #PoemsFromGod

To control, punish, intimidate, and invalidate you,
The Narcissist uses Silent Treatment chronically.
With that, this Eternal Child intends to demonstrate to you
How worthless you are to him, ironically.

"Ironically" because he actually needs you to supply
Admiration, attention, money, and praise for him.
Yet, superbly the childish Narcissist will  apply
Silent Treatment until you with self-doubt and confusion he can brim.

The Narcissist is self-absorbed, moody, aloof, petulant, and egotistical.
He won't even blink abusing you and taking money from you at the same time.
And while to you this behavior appears to be erratic and mystical,
To the empathy-lacking, feelingless Narcissist doing it is no grime.

Narcissistic Silent Treatment is aimed to express
The Narcissist's disapproval of you and his anger and rage.
He's a never-grown Little Boy wanting you to impress,
While into productive conflict resolution you as an adult try him to engage.

The Silent Treatment is used by this Eternal Child to send you a message
Of how insignificant and worthless you are to him.
It's because the immature Narcissist can't a productive dialogue manage,
Since he has such a poor self-image and low esteem.

The Narcissist has such a fragile ego
That he needs your energy and eats you alive.
Constantly putting you down for him is very intriguing,
Because that's how he puffs-up his ego to survive. 

10/20/17 © Anna Szabo, JD, MBA

p.s: Narcissistic Relationship Abuse Explained

The Narcissist’s Reptilian Stare

"The Narcissist’s Reptilian Stare" #PoemsFromGod

To look the Narcissist in the eye is the beginning of losing a part of yourself.
He takes so much. He takes everything you have.
He then leaves behind just a shell of you, while he himself
Goes on and just tells people lies on your behalf. 

Looking the Narcissist in the eye is dangerous.
His very goal is to suck your life out of you.
He often stares at you, which feels very mysterious,
But the reason why he does it is to intentionally intimidate you.

His Reptilian Stare is coupled with complete lack of empathy or remorse.
This nerve-racking stare is often accompanied by silent treatment.
Experiencing it, you feel intimidated and scared of course,
And that's the goal of the Narcissist who's to your feelings absolutely indifferent.

Trapped in his make-believe ego-puffing pathology, 
The Narcissist resembles an alien on drugs.
Being eaten alive by an alligator is a relevant to your life analogy,
Because with his Reptilian Stare the Narcissist meticulously into death you drags. 

10/20/17 © Anna Szabo, JD, MBA

The Antidote To Narcissistic Abuse

"The Antidote To Narcissistic Abuse" #PoemsFromGod

The antidote to Narcissistic Abuse is self-care. 
Self-care enables you to get back your sanity and power.
To heal your mind, daily meditation and devotionals headspace you need where
With biblical truth about who you are your your soul you empower.

Having endured Narcissistic Gaslighting, Silent Treatment, and Projection,
You're mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted and sick.
Your mind needs now very strong and solid protection.
You can only get it if Biblical truth you devotedly seek.

Meditate on Biblical affirmations every day:
"I am a child of God, "I'm special," "I'm valuable."
With passion out loud these affirmations say.
God's truth plants in your mind powerful seeds that are viable. 

Self-care is how you survive and thrive. 
Eat healthy, exercise, journal, and sleep eight hours.
If sleeping is troublesome, to use essential oils strive.
Also, to have quality sleep help warm bedtime showers.

Walk outside in the sun for some time.
It might be difficult to make yourself do it initially.
Go slowly and try just a few steps at a time,
Until 10000 steps a day you can claim officially.

Most importantly, spend quality time with God
Cry out to Him about your pain and confusion.
Ask Him to free you from all the mental mud 
The Narcissist instilled in you with his well-planned delusion.

 must become your new daily habit.
Every time you endure cruelty from the Narc, meditate and pray.
You must also figure out how to no longer with him cohabit.
While you live in the same house, he will surely on you prey.

Ask God to show you His plan for your way out.
Fill your mind up regularly with the Gospel. 
Get to a safe place where you can heal from self-doubt
And where you can have peaceful environment and not hostile.

Self-care also means that you will intentionally refocus.
You do need to understand what happened to you to move on -
Just don't get stuck on why of the past and instead on the how of the future focus.
And make sure that on your journey you purposefully get closer to God drawn. 

10/20/17 © Anna Szabo, JD, MBA

Narcissistic Mother

"Narcissistic Mother" #PoemsFromGod

A Narcissistic Mother is egotistical and incapable of love or compassion.
She is self-centered and only for herself does she experience any genuine passion. 

She is a caregiver who treats her daughter as if the child’s aim were to be of service.
She deliberately persuades her daughter that she’s unloved, undeserving, unwanted, and worthless.

A Narcissistic Mother is one moment raging and next moment she is smiling.
She behaves unpredictably; her goal is to win people’s compliments and admiring. 

She has an enmeshed relationship with her daughter where her child’s needs don’t even exist.
If she decides to appear nice, she is pleasant, but in a split of a second, she’s violent and pissed. 

She uses her daughter to fuel her ego or get some money;  that’s pretty much it.
And of course, her true motives she would never openly to anyone admit.

A Narcissistic Mother sucks the life out her daughter and says straightforwardly: “I just want you dead!”
Her daughter ends up with a long-lasting emotional trauma and a life of deep healing ahead.  

10/6/18 © Anna Szabo, JD, MBA

Domestic Violence

"Domestic Violence" #PoemsFromGod

Domestic Violence was my substitute for marriage.
Domestic Violence was what I received as love.
Domestic Violence was why I endured disparage.
Domestic Violence has to end. Today! ENOUGH!

Domestic Violence crushed my happily-ever-after.
Domestic Violence caused my homelessness and pain.
Domestic Violence stole my joy and killed my laughter.
Domestic Violence has to stop. It can’t remain!

Domestic Violence was the reason I sought safety.
Domestic Violence made me victim of abuse.
Domestic Violence is quite ugly and quite nasty.
Domestic Violence is what we MUST all refuse. 

4-26-19 © Anna Szabo, JD, MBA

Narcissistic Mother Hates Her Daughter

"Narcissistic Mother Hates Her Daughter" #PoemsFromGod

Narcissistic mother inherently hates her daughter’s guts.
She sees her as another woman, of whom she’s envious and jealous.
She might be nice to people, even kissing others’ butts,
But to her daughter she is never good or  kind or simply zealous. 

Her only goal is to destroy her daughter permanently.
She’s filled with hatred, animosity, and ill will.
She says “I want you dead!” to her descendant personally.
She tries tenaciously her child to harm or kill. 

7/17/19 © Anna Szabo, JD, MBA

I know that these 16 poems about abuse, given to me by God, will encourage and empower you. Let me know in the comments below how I can pray for your situation. If you’re looking for helpful resources in your abusive situation, check out this page: Top 5 Domestic Violence Resources.

Poems About Abuse by a Narcissistic Mother

In 2018, I started to really dive into my childhood trauma and work through a ton of abuse endured from my mom. I explain about her life and why she was the way she was in the article about the Soviet propaganda and brainwashing, which definitely screwed up my mom’s headspace. That was the most difficult article to write. I love my mom but I can’t be in a relationship with her because she hates me and has really bad intentions.

That’s in addition to the fact that she always promised and attempted multiple times to kill me. But I did forgive her.

Of course, forgiveness is not the same as reconciliation. So, we do not have a relationship, though I did try over the years to build something with her. It’s never been healthy. It’s always been unhealthy. What it comes down to is this: do I want to be in an unhealthy relationship with my mom and kill myself or do I want to live a healthy life and serve God?

I chose God and life.

Anyway, here are my two poems about me and my mom. These two poems about abuse explain what happened and how it impacted me forever.

"Narcissistic Mother" #PoemsFromGod

A Narcissistic Mother is egotistical and incapable of love or compassion.
She is self-centered and only for herself does she experience any genuine passion. 

She is a caregiver who treats her daughter as if the child’s aim were to be of service.
She deliberately persuades her daughter that she’s unloved, undeserving, unwanted, and worthless.

A Narcissistic Mother is one moment raging and next moment she is smiling.
She behaves unpredictably; her goal is to win people’s compliments and admiring. 

She has an enmeshed relationship with her daughter where her child’s needs don’t even exist.
If she decides to appear nice, she is pleasant, but in a split of a second, she’s violent and pissed. 

She uses her daughter to fuel her ego or get some money;  that’s pretty much it.
And of course, her true motives she would never openly to anyone admit.

A Narcissistic Mother sucks the life out her daughter and says straightforwardly: “I just want you dead!”
Her daughter ends up with a long-lasting emotional trauma and a life of deep healing ahead.  

10/6/18 © Anna Szabo, JD, MBA
"Narcissistic Mother Hates Her Daughter" #PoemsFromGod

Narcissistic mother inherently hates her daughter’s guts.
She sees her as another woman, of whom she’s envious and jealous.
She might be nice to people, even kissing others’ butts,
But to her daughter she is never good or  kind or simply zealous. 

Her only goal is to destroy her daughter permanently.
She’s filled with hatred, animosity, and ill will.
She says “I want you dead!” to her descendant personally.
She tries tenaciously her child to harm or kill. 

7/17/19 © Anna Szabo, JD, MBA

I hope these poems about abuse by a narcissistic mother really help you see that what you’re going through is what many other daughters of narcissistic mothers went through. I’m telling you this not to justify your narcissistic mother’s behavior or to minimize the trauma you endured from her.

I’m showing you that I know what you’re going through, yet I’m confidently saying: you will survive and thrive. Yes, you will! I believe in fortitude and perseverance. Have hope. Read these poems about my experiences and read my other blog articles here to see that I love my life, I’m healthy today, I’m whole, and I have an exciting future ahead. So do you!

I included these two poems in this separate section just in case you came to this blog just for the poems about abuse by a narcissistic mother. If you skipped everything else and landed on this excerpt, hope it helped.


Poems About Abuse by a Narcissistic Husband

Narcissistic abuse in marriage is very common. Many men pretend to be good Christians and lure their innocent victims into a trap to take advantage of them. It happened to me and to countless other women I know. That’s why I published all my poems about abuse – I want to raise awareness of this issue within the Christian community.

The hardest thing about narcissistic abuse in a marriage is that the narcissist has multiple masks. The man you’re really married to is unknown to anyone. The man they know is a saint. So, you’re a liar and you’re crazy.

That’s my story, that’s the story of several of my friends, and that’s the story of many women who are not here any longer. Narcissistic abuse is so hard to understand and talk about, it’s so invisible and unbelievable that some narcissistic victims lose hope and commit suicide.

I personally know of ten women who did it.

That’s why I founded this ministry, Online Discipleship For Women, to help alleviate suicide among women globally by sharing hope in Jesus Christ.

RELATED: Who Is Jesus?

I want women to understand that yes, the narcissist is clever, manipulative, pretentious, and powerful with his lies. But God is much more powerful. I want victims of abuse to see that I know what they are going through because I’ve been there myself. Yet, from the other side, I claim confidently: stand of God’s promises, persevere, don’t give up, lean on your faith!

RELATED: What Is Faith?

Here are my 12 poems about abuse by the narcissist.

I know you’re on the edge of giving up. I know you’ve been manipulated mentally to believe that you’re crazy. I know the narcissist persuaded you that all his faults are yours. I know you feel hopeless.

Don’t give up. Be here tomorrow.

A new season of life is right around the corner. God always fulfills His promises. He will give you beauty for your ashes. He is numbering your hair and calling you by your name. You are precious to God. You are loved, accepted, and valuable. Download my free ebook with 52 beautiful Biblical Affirmations #52Devotionals to find out what God says about you.

I hope that my poems about abuse encouraged and empowered you. I hope you made the decision to fight back, persevere, and heal. You can read my article about Narcissistic Abuse Recovery and see what helped me.

Poems About Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence, which I experienced in 2008-2009, was the reason why I became homeless, in a foreign country, not even speaking any English. The guy who orchestrated all that mess was a high-level financial executive at a bank making $380,000 a year, according to his tax documents for 2007, which were submitted by him for my visa. So, he was well-respected and he covered up his abuse very well. The game he played worked for eight months. Then, the Dunwoody Police Department came over when the dude was about to kill me, they knocked out the front door, held my Prince Charmin hands-down to the wall, and the three officers rescued me.

I was interviewed about my domestic violence story on TV, radio, in the news, podcast shows, for various magazines, and there was an independent film made about me in 2018, which you can watch if you head over to my article called Domestic Violence.

How the poems about abuse endured in that marriage came about was through a poetry challenge. I was at one of the spoken word open mic events in Atlanta sharing my empowerment poems for victims of abuse when the MC announced that she was doing poetry night dedicated to domestic violence, and everyone was challenged to write.

I got home and wrote this poem about domestic violence.

"Domestic Violence" #PoemsFromGod

Domestic Violence was my substitute for marriage.
Domestic Violence was what I received as love.
Domestic Violence was why I endured disparage.
Domestic Violence has to end. Today! ENOUGH!

Domestic Violence crushed my happily-ever-after.
Domestic Violence caused my homelessness and pain.
Domestic Violence stole my joy and killed my laughter.
Domestic Violence has to stop. It can’t remain!

Domestic Violence was the reason I sought safety.
Domestic Violence made me victim of abuse.
Domestic Violence is quite ugly and quite nasty.
Domestic Violence is what we MUST all refuse. 

4-26-19 © Anna Szabo, JD, MBA

I never made it to that open mic night to hear the poems about domestic violence by others but I’m glad I wrote my piece. I will be sharing more here about this topic, so make sure you’re subscribed to the notifications on my blog and also emails. You can follow me on YouTube, Pinterest, and other social media platforms to stay up-to-date when I release new poems.

Empowerment Poems for Victims of Abuse

I want to leave you today with some inspiration, empowerment, and hope. I’m going to share with you two of my favorite poems that get me through adversity. Listen, everyone’s life sometimes rocks and sometimes sucks. No one’s life is rainbow-unicorny, filled with confetti and pink glitter. Yet, life is worth living, and I want you to hold on to your faith and hope.

Here are my empowerment poems for you.

"Standing on God’s Promises" #PoemsFromGod

Life is a series of seasons,
With moments of sorrow followed by happy moments.
To question God we have many reasons,
Especially, when facing some devastating disappointments.

Sometimes, we question God's very existence,
Or just His presence in our lives.
We may confront the idea of God's goodness with resistance,
Especially when grief our daily emotions drives.

Our emotions are not a very reliable source of information.
How we feel changes often too randomly.
That's why to confidently walk toward our destination,
We need to immerse ourselves in truth extendedly.

We need to understand and believe God's faithfulness.
We need to embrace His eternal promises.
We don't need to make them up or guess -
Reading His word is what confidence encompasses.

In the Bible, there are 3573 promises,
The word "promise" itself occurs 50 times.
End of suffering, protection, and forgiveness,
Peace and joy are guaranteed to us always and not just sometimes.

God's promises are the only solid ground to stand on.
Everything else is unstable and temporary.
His word is the truth for us to lean on, 
So that our lives can be for His glory and extraordinary.

9/12/17 © Anna Szabo, JD, MBA
"Perseverance" #PoemsFromGod

Perseverance is about never ever giving up.
Every time you fall, you must quickly get up. 

Perseverance takes courage and requires you to act in-spite of your fear. 
When you choose faith over fear, you courageously persevere. 

Perseverance is a cure for failure because there’s always that next chance to succeed.
If you commit to persevering no matter what, a victorious life you can lead. 

9/21/18 © Anna Szabo, JD, MBA

May God bless you with strength in Christ to persevere whatever abuse you’re enduring. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, pray to Him every moment of every day, and He will make your path straight. God is a miracle-worker. He will propel you to the new highs and He will multiply your blessings. BUT! You gotta be here for that, so stand firm on God’s promises and don’t let any abuser manipulate you into suicide. Be strong in the Lord! He had already won on your behalf.


Today, I shared with you my 16 poems about abuse, and gave you the preview into my life and heart as each of these poems was born. I gave you poems about abusive relationships and poems about domestic violence. Also, I shared with you a few of my empowerment poems.

I help women see themselves the way God sees them. 

In the last few years, I’ve personally been on a quest to figuring out and conquering the negative voices in my head that distort my understanding of who I am. I call those voices the Shitty Committee, and each of us has that special committee in our headspace. 

I’ve specifically been focusing on my identity in Christ. 

From the Bible, I discovered 52 incredibly-positive things God says about us as His children. Those 52 precious discoveries turned into 52 Biblical affirmations I created to encourage and empower Christian women. 

To help share this life-changing information with you, I created an ebook called #52Devotionals. Download it now for free

My free ebook helps you understand who God says you are. Don’t be vulnerable to identity attacks from the mainstream media, relatives, coworkers, your boss, society, culture, and the voices in your head. 

Stand firm and know what God says about you.

Anna Szabo Ebook Devotionals for Women #52Devotionals
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